We Are Officially a Semi-finalist in Codelaunch!


January 26, 2024

Thanks to everyone who saw our last email and voted for us because of you all…

Popmantra has been officially named a SEMI-FINALIST #Codelaunch HOU 2024!!!

Not only that but we also received an accolade…

We received 3rd place in their Digital Marketing competition!

THANK YOU! We are in this because of YOUR SUPPORT!

Our team is so excited for this opportunity to take on the next level!! Thank you so much to Codelaunch for choosing us! We are certainly happy that we are able to continue on in this journey!

We will find out VERY soon if we have made it as FINALIST. Stay tuned into our emails for future updates on how we are doing in the competition.

There will be a special thanks in the future for supporting us! Be a part of the Beginning! Support us as we support you! Thank you in advance!

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